Free NHS eye tests
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Daily disposables
If you're thinking about wearing contact lenses, then daily disposables may well be your first choice. They are a great alternative to spectacles and can be worn either full-time or part-time, for sports or perhaps social events. Daily multifocal lenses and lenses for astigmatism are available to suit most prescriptions.

Monthly disposables
Monthly lenses are often fitted for more complex prescriptions and can sometimes be more affordable than daily lenses. They need to be carefully looked after and have to be cleaned and disinfected each time they are worn to prevent any eye infections. A fresh new pair of lenses is worn each month.

Tinted lenses
Available either as a monthly or daily lens, they can help to enhance and/or change the colour of your eyes.

Contact lens fitting
If you are unsure which type of lenses you should wear, don't worry. We give everyone an initial lens trial so we can find the most suitable lenses for you. You may need an eye examination before we can start any fitting but the lens trial is free. The lens fitting may take a little longer, so you may need more than one appointment. We want you to enjoy wearing your contact lenses safely, so we'll teach you how to put your lenses in and out and talk you through everything that you need to know about wearing them. We offer a Total Care Plan option, which includes your lenses and check-up fees, including emergencies, with convenient monthly direct debit payments.